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Fat reduction

Sculpting your dream physique.

— Understanding fat reduction

Achieving your ideal silhouette.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards your dream physique? If you’re seeking effective solutions for fat reduction and body sculpting, you’re in the right place. Our state-of-the-art treatments are tailored to target and reduce unwanted fat, helping you achieve the body shape you’ve always envisioned. With the latest in advanced technology and personalized techniques, we’re here to guide you on the path to a more sculpted, toned, and confident version of yourself. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a rejuvenated, contoured appearance that reflects your inner beauty. Let’s sculpt your dream physique together.

— Revitalize your figure

Effective fat reduction solutions for a sculpted body.

Coolform utilizes state-of-the-art technology to offer non-invasive body sculpting solutions that specifically target fat reduction and skin tightening needs with remarkable precision, helping you attain the aesthetic results you desire.

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Evolve X technology is meticulously engineered to deliver impressive results in fat reduction. With its precision and versatility, this advanced system effectively addresses your fat reduction needs, helping you attain your desired aesthetic objectives.

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Prolift HIFU utilizes the potential of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology, providing a non-invasive solution for fat reduction. This transformative procedure delivers precise and customized results, helping you achieve your desired aesthetic goals by effectively targeting fat and enhancing body contouring.

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The Fotona SP Dynamis TightSculpting technology leverages advanced laser technology to efficiently target fat reduction. With its precise and customizable parameters, it provides an effective solution for reducing excess fat and achieving a more contoured appearance.

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In-clinic evaluation

Personalized care plan

Meet a member of our team

During your first consultation, one of our medical consultant will ask you a few questions about your current situation in order to schedule your appointment at the clinic. If you have any other questions, we will be happy to answer them in a transparent and professional manner.

Development of a personalized care plan

We then proceed to an in-clinic evaluation, without obligation, in order to identify the combination of technologies and protocols that best suits your skin and your personal goals.

Beginning of treatments

Your treatment plan will begin according to your availability.

Book a free appointment

Have questions? Let us know.

Schedule an appointment online or contact us at 289-529-0777.